Miss Granny: Chinese Movie of the Month


chóng fǎn 20 sùi

What happens when Taiwanese director Chen Zhengdao remakes a hit Korean movie in which the basic premise is “I bet your grandmother was really hot when she was twenty”?

It’s probably not something most of us have spent too much time contemplating; what if you could meet your grandmother as she looked at the age of 20? This isn’t about meeting your grandmother as she was at 20, but meeting your old age pensioner grandmother trapped inside her hot 20 year old body.

the movie starts off with a high school teacher asking students about their attitudes to old people the movie starts off with a high school teacher asking students about their attitudes to old people

Despite being a remake of a Korean film, to Western viewers this movie will be highly reminiscent of Freaky Friday with it’s body swapping shenanigans. It might even be tempting to see it as containing some sort of social commentary, questioning how much our attitudes to…

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